Neurodidactics applied to the resolution of mathematical problems, in seventh grade students of the educational unit Ciudad de Ibarra




neurodidactics, problem solving, mathematics, teaching, educational strategies


The integration of cognitive neuroscience in education has generated a growing interest due to its potential to improve learning. This study aimed to design, implement and evaluate the impact of a strategy based on neurodidáctica on mathematical problem-solving skills in seventh grade students. The sample consisted of 57 students from the unidad educativa Ciudad de Ibarra, divided into an experimental group and a control group, together with the participation of 7 teachers whose perceptions and suggestions were fundamental in the design and implementation of the strategy. A quasi-experimental design was used and statistical tests, including the Wilcoxon test, were applied to analyze the data collected. The results showed a significant improvement in problem-solving skills in the experimental group, supporting the effectiveness of the neurodidactic strategy. In addition, teachers' satisfaction, calculated using the Iadov technique, and their positive perceptions highlighted the relevance of this approach in the classroom. These findings suggest that neurodidactics can be a valuable tool to promote more effective and meaningful learning in the field of mathematics, highlighting the importance of further exploring and developing this interdisciplinary field.


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How to Cite

Cupuerán Valencia, C. del C. ., Rojas Alvarez, M. C. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Neurodidactics applied to the resolution of mathematical problems, in seventh grade students of the educational unit Ciudad de Ibarra . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 65-87. 6.407




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