Methodological strategies to enhance the mastery of mathematical calculations in students in the ninth grade of general basic education




mathematics teaching, mathematical computation learning, methodological strategies, teacher-student participation, educational assessment


The main objective of the study was to develop and evaluate a guide of methodological strategies to improve the teaching and learning of mathematical calculations in the ninth year of General Basic Education, through a participatory and collaborative approach involving both teachers and students. Classified as an applied field study, it was carried out at the Luis Tello Ripalda Educational Unit, with the total participation of 72 students and 7 mathematics teachers. The research followed a process structured in seven phases, from the identification of difficulties to the validation and final adjustment of the guide. Various research techniques were used, such as surveys, focus groups and interviews, supported by specific instruments for data collection. Experimental groups and a control group were formed for the pilot implementation of the guide. The variables analyzed included the mathematical calculation domain, broken down into several dimensions and measured by standardized tests. The data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative statistical tests to assess the impact of the guide on students' mathematical competencies. The statistical analysis revealed the positive impact of the guide on students' mathematical competencies. The collaboration between researchers, teachers and students ensured the relevance and usefulness of the proposed interventions, highlighting the importance of participatory approaches in improving mathematics teaching and learning in educational contexts.


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How to Cite

Bone Conforme, M. E., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Methodological strategies to enhance the mastery of mathematical calculations in students in the ninth grade of general basic education . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 221-252. 6.414




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