The use of neurodidactics to enhance the learning of seventh-grade students with difficulties in mathematical skills




use of neurodidactics, enhance learning, seventh year students, difficulties in mathematical skills


This research focuses on the design and development of a neurodidactic strategy aimed at improving the learning of seventh-grade students who have difficulties in mastering mathematical skills. It starts from the recognition of the importance of understanding how the brain works in the learning process, as well as the need to address the individual needs of students to promote their academic success. The neurodidactic strategy developed is based on the understanding of the learning styles, cognitive strengths and emotions of the students. Specific techniques based on neuroscience are incorporated, such as the use of multiple teaching modalities, spaced repetition, formative feedback, and promoting an emotionally safe classroom environment. The implementation of the neurodidactic strategy is carried out in a group of seventh-grade students with difficulties in mathematics over a period of six weeks. Qualitative and quantitative data are collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy in terms of improving students' academic performance, motivation, and self-efficacy in mathematics. The preliminary results indicate that the neurodidactic strategy designed has had a positive impact on the learning of students with difficulties in mathematical skills. An increase in academic performance is observed, as well as greater motivation and confidence in the mathematical abilities of the participants. These findings support the usefulness and relevance of neurodidactics as an approach to address the needs of students with difficulties in learning mathematics.


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How to Cite

Valverde Vera, M. F. ., Ortiz Merchán, C. G. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). The use of neurodidactics to enhance the learning of seventh-grade students with difficulties in mathematical skills . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 300-326. 6.417




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