The ExeLearning in the teaching of language and literature in fifth grade of elementary general basic education




ExeLearning, language and literature, teaching-learning, virtual classes, academic performance


The implementation of the ExeLearning platform in the language teaching process in the fifth year of Héroes del Cenepa school has proven to be an effective tool in improving students' academic performance. This platform offers a variety of interactive and dynamic resources that facilitate learning and understanding of the curriculum. Additionally, it allows teachers to create personalized activities tailored to the specific needs of each student, fostering more meaningful and motivating learning experiences. The methodology employed in this research involved gathering valuable information through surveys, interviews, and analysis of academic performance. The results revealed that the use of technology in language teaching has had a positive impact on the development of linguistic skills, text comprehension, and oral and written expression among students. Furthermore, the implementation of interactive mental games in language teaching has significantly contributed to the learning process, promoting creativity, concentration, and critical thinking skills among students. The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the impact of implementing the ExeLearning platform in virtual teaching, specifically in language education for fifth-year students. The methodology utilized was descriptive, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Questionnaires were used for surveys with educators and students, along with interviews with administrative staff. The data collected from these methods provided insights into the effectiveness of the platform in enhancing the teaching and learning process. In conclusion, the integration of "ExeLearning" has proven to be beneficial in the language education of fifth-grade students, offering an innovative approach to teaching and learning. The results suggest that the platform has facilitated better comprehension of language concepts and improved academic performance. Overall, the findings highlight the potential of technology-enhanced learning tools in optimizing educational outcomes.


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2024-03-27 — Updated on 2024-03-27

How to Cite

Pinela Leon, R. E., & Cárdenas Barriga, M. P. . (2024). The ExeLearning in the teaching of language and literature in fifth grade of elementary general basic education. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 2), 238-258. 2.233


