Availability assurance on critical CNS/ATM infrastructures





Risk Management, Critical Infrastructures, AvailabilityAssurance


Critical infrastructure and security software control today more and more relevant systems for the economy and the proper functioning of governments. By the increase of the technological dependence, increase the risks related to them. Then the proper management, identification, mitigation and assumption of these risks are of capital importance. This document shows the procedure used in our critical infrastructure for Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management(CNS/ATM). With this procedure we managed the possible manifestations of risks threatening the availability of these infrastructures, which due to their level of importance require availability higher than 99%. The procedure is useful to assure the proper risk management by threats that arise from modifications on the infrastructure, anticipating possible failures and acting accordingly in the contingency and risk reduction plans. The results obtained by the application of this proposal on software related to meteorological variables in aerodromes und data publication systems from the Cuban aeronautical information service are also shown.


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2020-10-25 — Updated on 2022-01-23

How to Cite

Brito Acuña, G. (2022). Availability assurance on critical CNS/ATM infrastructures. Sinergia Académica, 2(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v2i1.31


