The technical project in the solution of professional problems




Problems - method - professional - production - project


The present work aims at proposing a variant of the project method for the solution of technical problems. The use of the technical object analysis method is introduced and traditional project method steps are eliminated. Different methods were used to corroborate the feasibility of the proposal, within them the user´s  and the expert´s criteria.

Teaching to solve professional problems to future professionals is a necessity in the training process. These problems are manifested in the areas of production and services where the professional will be introduced once he has graduated from the training institutions. Professional problems are manifested through professional situations. Often the professional situation originates from a technical problem which solution depends on the application of the project method.

The application of this variant has made possible to determine the professional problems faced by the professional in his sphere of action, whether in production or in services and to solve the technical problems that are manifested in the afore mentioned problems.


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2019-07-19 — Updated on 2022-01-23

How to Cite

Torres Ferrales, A. L., Montano Moreno, G., & Martínez Pérez, A. E. (2022). The technical project in the solution of professional problems. Sinergia Académica, 2(3), 1-10.


