Pedagogical approach in the teaching-learning process of Ohm's Law in the Technical Baccalaureate Professional Figure in Electricity


  • Cristian Andrés Riofrio Morales Physics and mathematics teacher at the Digna Beatriz Cerda Neto educational unit, master's degree in Pedagogy, mention in Technical and Professional Education, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador.
  • Braulio Antonio Jiménez Zambrano Physics and mathematics teacher, teacher at the Digna Beatriz Cerda Neto educational unit, Ecuador.
  • Wellington Isaac Maliza Cruz Dr. Professor of the Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador and tutor of the Master's Degree in Pedagogy, mention in Technical and Professional Education, Ecuador.



Ohm's law, electricity, academic performance, pedagogical, electrical module


The study evaluated the pedagogical academic impact of the teaching of Ohm's Law in a professional technical high school, with professional figure in electricity, using an electrical module versus the traditional method for the teaching-learning process of Ohm's Law. The results of 38 students in two trimesters of the second year of high school were analyzed by means of Student's t-test and a table of achievements in the evaluation of learning, as well as a student survey. The statistical and qualitative analyses revealed that the use of the electrical module as a tool for the Ohm's Law teaching-learning process is more effective in improving academic performance, student acceptance, mastery and achievement of learning required by the teacher.

The challenge we are trying to solve with this study is to overcome the difficulty generated in students to assimilate technical knowledge without adequate pedagogy, as it can limit the performance and interest of students in fundamental subjects for a technical, technological or engineering career. Effective teaching should promote the understanding of previous concepts, foster interest and raise the motivation of adolescents who are currently crossing the baccalaureate education courses

The specific objectives of the study were to statistically and qualitatively evaluate the academic pedagogical impact of teaching Ohm's Law using an electrical module versus the traditional method. It was determined that the teaching method with the greatest effectiveness both statistically and qualitatively is the use of the electrical module.

In conclusion, the teaching of Ohm's Law using an electrical module in a technical-professional high school with professional figure in electricity is more effective than the traditional method in improving academic performance, student acceptance, mastery and achievement of required learning. The implementation of this method can contribute to the immediate academic and long-term professional success of students in the field of industrial technical engineering.


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How to Cite

Riofrio Morales, C. A. ., Jiménez Zambrano, B. A. ., & Maliza Cruz, W. I. . (2024). Pedagogical approach in the teaching-learning process of Ohm’s Law in the Technical Baccalaureate Professional Figure in Electricity. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 301-319. 3.271


