System of actions for the development of legal research, in digital contexts




legal research, digital contexts, mode of action, law


Personalized, experiential learning supported by the synergy of interests - institutional and personal needs of the learner, are key to an effective teaching-learning process that manages to meet the expectations of an increasingly changing society. Recent years demonstrate unprecedented growth in the use and development of new technologies. The digital society has a special impact on the workplace, resizing the characteristics and competencies of the professional future and particularly on the jurist. This reality determines a change in teaching-learning paradigms focused on the learner and supported by innovative investigative tools in digital environments. Legal research stands as a process that, focused on meaningful learning and supported by knowledge of legal knowledge, allows future professionals to master the scientific and technological tools necessary to discover appropriate legal solutions to the problems posed by social reality. In this way, the present research is aimed at substantiating, from the contents of the jurist's mode of action, a system of actions for the development of legal research, in digital contexts.


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How to Cite

Alfonso Caveda, D. ., & Zúñiga Delgado, M. S. . (2024). System of actions for the development of legal research, in digital contexts. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 506-519. 3.283


