ICTs in the teaching-learning process of physics in high school





ICTs, physics teaching, high school, conceptual understanding, student motivation, digital skills, academic performance.


ICTs play a crucial role in the teaching and learning of physics in high school. Its use improves understanding, makes learning more interactive and relevant, and develops fundamental digital skills. On the other hand, not integrating these technologies can have a significant negative impact on students' motivation, understanding, and digital skills. The objective of this research is to compare the academic performance of students who use ICTs with those who follow traditional methods. A mixed research was carried out, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The sample included high school students from various educational institutions. Surveys, interviews, and academic tests were used to collect data. In addition, ICT tools such as simulations, virtual laboratories and online learning platforms were implemented during an academic semester. The results indicated that students who used ICTs demonstrated a better understanding of physical concepts. Simulations and virtual laboratories were especially effective in visualizing abstract phenomena. Likewise, a significant increase was observed in the motivation and commitment of the students, who found the learning more interactive and relevant. In terms of digital skills, students developed key competencies in the use of educational software, data analysis and digital presentation of information. Comparatively, students who used ICTs obtained better grades in academic tests than those who followed traditional teaching methods.


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2024-05-27 — Updated on 2024-05-29

How to Cite

Erazo Hernández, J. C. ., Inagán Carvajal, F. J. ., Jácome Lucero, H. A. ., & Suárez Puente, D. I. . (2024). ICTs in the teaching-learning process of physics in high school . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 520-533. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 3.284


