Methodological strategies based on collaborative learning to improve the academic performance of Higher Basic students in Natural Sciences




methodological strategies, collaborative learning, Natural Sciences, academic performance, methodological guide.


Student academic performance is one of the fundamental attributes of teaching activity in the quality of the educational system where the priority is that the student is able to put their knowledge into practice. However, the use of inappropriate methodological strategies has an unfavorable impact on the student's cognitive development. The present work is based on an analysis of the didactic and methodological process for the understanding of the facts in the search to point out the causes, find the effects and provide possible solutions to the lack of methodological strategies for Natural Sciences, a mixed approach was used with scope descriptive about the reality in which the classes take place, initial diagnosis through observation; To collect data, an online survey was used, applied to 24 students, and interviews with 4 teachers in the area of Natural Sciences. The results obtained reflected that 87.5% of the students consider that teachers teach their classes in a traditional way or are unaware of active methodologies, likewise 85% consider that collaborative learning motivates them to learn, which led to the realization of a guide to methodological strategies based on collaborative learning, in order to be used by teachers committed to positive change in education.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Zambrano, J. E. ., Vera Bravo, A. F. ., Munzón Cáceres, A. D. R., Tanguila Licuy, G. S. ., & Lema Guallpa, R. M. . (2024). Methodological strategies based on collaborative learning to improve the academic performance of Higher Basic students in Natural Sciences. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 4), 137-162. 4.299


