Banking and its contribution to economic development in the Manta canton


  • Josselyn Briggitte Loor Castillo Economist. Sales and services executive, Cooprogreso Savings and Credit Cooperative. Manta, Manabí, Ecuador.
  • Jasson Luis Zambrano Montesdeoca Economist. Master's Degree in Financial Management and Advisory. Full-time assistant professor. Vice-Dean of the UTM School of Economics. Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador.



credit, sustainable development, local economy, financial services


The fundamental objective of this study is to analyze banking access and its contribution to economic development in the Manta canton, Ecuador, through the loans granted by the financial institution, savings and credit cooperative Cooprogreso to adult residents. The importance of the research lay in the need to understand how access to financial credit can influence the economic situation and quality of life of citizens. Scientific methods at the theoretical, empirical and mathematical statistical level were used to develop the methodology. Among the main findings, it was known that the banking rate in the aforementioned canton has increased significantly in recent years, improving the financial inclusion of the population. It is concluded that banking has had a positive impact on economic development, expanding economic opportunities for citizens, as well as stimulating and promoting a local economy.


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How to Cite

Loor Castillo, J. B. ., & Zambrano Montesdeoca, J. L. . (2024). Banking and its contribution to economic development in the Manta canton. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 4), 163-175. 4.300


