Violation of the rights to personal integrity, dignity, privacy, judicial guarantees, and judicial protection: Analysis of Judgment Series C No. 216 / IACHR




access to justice, contentious jurisdiction, women's human rights, gender violence


This study seeks to deepen the issue related to the discrimination of indigenous women, through the violation of their rights and the effects that arise from the intervention of the IACHR in this type of cases, not only reference is made to Mexico but also to other countries in America where similar cases have arisen and this ruling has been marked as a precedent of great importance for the resolution of cases of the same nature. This study was based on a documentary review of the sentence issued by the IACHR, in contrast with cases from other countries. It is concluded that the Rosendo Cantú case shows the need to strengthen access to justice for indigenous women victims of violence, especially in cases of sexual violence, considering their vulnerable situation.


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How to Cite

Vera Véliz, E. L. ., Quishpe Cajamarca, D. P. ., Pinos Arreaga, J. C. ., Velez Zambrano, M. A. ., & Rodríguez Muñoz, I. J. . (2024). Violation of the rights to personal integrity, dignity, privacy, judicial guarantees, and judicial protection: Analysis of Judgment Series C No. 216 / IACHR. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 258-265.




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