Importance of family circles in the learning of boys and girls in rural contexts


  • Maya Aracely Sánchez Soto Technical University of Babahoyo. Faculty of Juridical, Social and Educational Sciences. Coordinator of the Basic Education Career. Los Ríos - Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Edgar Stalyn Guerrero Haro Technical University of Babahoyo. Faculty of Legal, Social and Educational Sciences. Coordinator of Planning of the Faculty of Social Juridical Sciences and Education. Los Ríos- Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Maoly Scarlett Huacon Llaguno Technical University of Babahoyo. Faculty of Juridical, Social and Educational Sciences. Student of Basic Education. Los Ríos - Babahoyo, Ecuador



Rural contexts, educational challenges, family circles of educational support


In rural contexts, the COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant educational challenges due to a lack of internet access and educational resources. In response, family educational support circles have emerged as an effective solution. Circles can be formed by family or community members with relevant skills and knowledge to contribute to learning.

The study also presents the theoretical foundations and the results of a research carried out with the aim of investigating the causes of the previously mentioned educational problems. As methodology, the technique of the questionnaire and the interview was used. Finally, an approach is made to the causes that are limiting the participation of the family in the school process as an essential aspect to solve the problem investigated.

In the Sol Brisa sector in the city of Babahoyo, a rural context in the COVID 2020 pandemic, it was evidenced that due to limited connectivity, lack of technological resources, and little support from parents and other factors, it leads to students from rural areas have problems in their learning. The purpose of the research is to provide the necessary help to the community by developing family circles in learning and creating an enriching learning environment, where the family becomes a fundamental support for the integral development of the child.

Family circles also encourage the transmission of values, traditions and experiences between generations, enriching learning and the sense of belonging. Family circles of educational support are an effective response to educational challenges in post-pandemic rural contexts. These circles promote collaboration, the exchange of knowledge and the active participation of families, which contributes to overcoming educational barriers and strengthens the educational process.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Soto, M. A. ., Guerrero Haro, E. S. ., & Huacon Llaguno, M. S. . (2024). Importance of family circles in the learning of boys and girls in rural contexts. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 266-276.




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