Spelling teaching process. play strategy for seventh year students of EGB





recreational activities, basic general education, learning spelling, adapted teaching materials


The present study focused on the implementation of a strategy designed to promote the learning of spelling among seventh grade students of Basic General Education (EGB). Over a period of four months, 25 students and 15 teachers of the subject of Language and Literature were recruited to participate in the study. The strategy consisted of using a variety of games and recreational activities, as well as adapted teaching materials, to address specific spelling rules. A competitive and fun atmosphere was fostered, with symbolic prizes for outstanding students. The results showed significant progress in learning spelling, as well as an improvement in the students' attitude and commitment towards the subject. This approach resulted in an enriching and effective experience for everyone involved, positively contributing to the development of spelling skills and the classroom learning environment.


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How to Cite

Banchón Muñoz, L. M. ., Alvarez Yosa, M. E. ., & Sánchez Andrade, V. J. . (2024). Spelling teaching process. play strategy for seventh year students of EGB . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 178-208. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 5.374


