The Role of the Employee in an Organization and Its Relationship with Emotional State




employee role, organization, emotional state


The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between an employee's role within an organization and their emotional state. A quantitative approach was used to analyze numerical data obtained through the Role Ambiguity Scale, which measures the clarity of the employee’s role, and the DASS-21, which assesses employees' emotional state. The study design was non-experimental, as no variables were manipulated. The scope of the study is correlational, aiming to determine the relationship between the employee’s role and their emotional state. The research was conducted using a field approach, collecting data from primary sources to analyze the level of role ambiguity and the emotional state of the employees. The study is cross-sectional, as standardized tests were administered only once. A hypothetical-deductive approach was adopted to determine the relationship between the employee’s role and their emotional state. According to the data obtained, the correlation between role ambiguity and emotional state, calculated using the Spearman’s Rho correlation coefficient, is -0.750, indicating a strong and significant negative correlation (p < 0.01). This suggests that as role ambiguity increases, employees' emotional state tends to become more negative. This significant correlation reinforces the importance of addressing role ambiguity as a key strategy to improve employees' emotional well-being. Clarifying responsibilities and expectations can be an effective measure to reduce emotional distress and enhance job performance.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Heredia, A. G. ., Mayorga Ortiz, D. J. ., & Abedrabbo Villa, O. A. . (2024). The Role of the Employee in an Organization and Its Relationship with Emotional State. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 496-507. 5.384


