Creation of H5P interactive resources in basketball learning and its incidence with motivation in adolescents




demotivation, learning, basketball, adolescent


The lack of motivation in adolescents in educational and sports contexts affects their performance and well-being. Traditional teaching methods fail to engage their interest, resulting in suboptimal participation. This research explores the effectiveness of H5P interactive resources in teaching basketball to improve adolescent motivation. H5P allows the creation of interactive content, such as quizzes and videos, which make learning more dynamic and engaging. The objective of the research is to determine the effectiveness of integrating H5P resources in the teaching of basketball to adolescents, evaluating its impact on motivation using the PLOC-2 model. The study, with a descriptive-exploratory approach and cross-sectional design, combines quantitative and qualitative methods. The subjects are basketball players from the “CEBI” Educational Unit participating in the Ambato-Tungurahua School Games. In the quantitative phase, data are collected from 53 players aged 16-17 years through structured surveys to measure motivation before and after using H5P. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews are conducted with 12 17–18-year-old players, randomly selected from two different teams, to deepen their experiences with the interactive resources. The analysis shows that the implementation of H5P resources significantly increases student motivation. Quantitative data indicate greater interest and participation in basketball, and qualitative interviews reveal that students find the tasks more attractive and relevant, improving their attitude towards learning and sports practice.


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How to Cite

Freire Nieto, M. D., & Mayorga Ortiz, D. J. . (2024). Creation of H5P interactive resources in basketball learning and its incidence with motivation in adolescents. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 531-555. 5.386




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