Cycle of violence and judicial processes violence against women




gender-based violence, cycle of violence, woman


This article examines the cycle of gender violence against women in the Ecuadorian context, focusing on how the different phases of the cycle degenerate into patterns of abuse. The cycle theorized by psychologist Leonor Walker is analyzed, this includes the different phases of tension accumulation, acute incidents of violence, reconciliation or “honeymoon”, highlighting how cycles of violence perpetuate the abuse suffered by the woman and the man. control that the abuser exercises against his victim. In addition, the legal framework that establishes the procedure for reporting gender violence is studied, identifying the barriers that exist in cultural, social and institutional contexts that victims must overcome. The objective of this article is to generate a deep understanding of a deep-rooted problem in Ecuador, exposing the difficulties that women go through in Ecuador to achieve a true improvement in protection and access to justice.


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How to Cite

Sigüencia Heredia, S. P. ., Roca Fernandez, N. L., Encalada Agila, J. F. ., Minda Flores, A. N. ., & Játiva Aguirre, S. E. (2024). Cycle of violence and judicial processes violence against women. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 645-663. 5.392




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