Population growing old: is it a Science and a Technological Innovation’s problem?





population growing old, science, technological innovation.


Among the components of the population change that takes place in XXI century, growing old is one of the most dynamic and urgent problem due to the number of people with 60 or more years, it is the one that grows at higher speed in the world (Rodríguez, 2006; ONU, 2007; 2015; Cepal, 2014). Such component provokes several challenges at scientific, academic, political, economical, cultural, social and ethical levels for facing or diminish the negative effetcs they may have on the stability of the societies given by the humanitarian considerations and the posible decrease of the work’s productivity.

Because of its global impact, this problem is relevant not only for the researchers of a special branch of knowledge and the biological technologies (human health), but also for a volumen of the science and technologies wider each time. Population growing old is not an exclusive heritage of a particular science any more to become an object of the international scientifical community and, specifically for the Cuban one, since Cuba in 2025, will be the second most aged nation from Americas.

To develop this paper, the following methods were used: analysis from scientifical sources, dialectic-materialistic analysis, data analysis and statistical comparison. The authors pretend to argue the role the sciences and technological innovation in the effective conduction to the growing olds. It is concluded that sciences and technological innovation has an important role in the effective conduction to the growing olds to ask them answers to these problem.


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2019-04-27 — Updated on 2022-01-23

How to Cite

Verdecia Tamayo, M. de J. (2022). Population growing old: is it a Science and a Technological Innovation’s problem?. Sinergia Académica, 2(2), 40-49. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v2i2.40


