Methodological strategy for the development of mathematical calculation skills in sixth year students of general basic education




methodological strategy, skills development, mathematical calculation, sixth year students, general basic education


The objective of this research is to develop a methodological strategy to improve mathematical calculation skills in students in the sixth year of General Basic Education. It is proposed to design and implement an innovative pedagogical approach adapted to the individual needs of the group of students under study. The methodological strategy will be based on participatory, practical and contextualized teaching methods, in order to promote a deep and meaningful understanding of mathematical concepts. To achieve this objective, an experimental development study will be carried out, in which the proposed methodological strategy will be designed, implemented and evaluated. A mixed methodology will be used that will combine quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data on the impact of the strategy on the development of students' mathematical calculation skills. Assessment instruments specifically designed to measure student progress in key areas of mathematical calculation will be used. The results are a significant improvement in the academic performance of students in mathematics, as well as an increase in their confidence and motivation towards learning in this area. It was evident that the methodological strategy developed serves as an effective and replicable model for other educational contexts, thus contributing to the strengthening of educational quality in the development of mathematical calculation skills in students in the sixth year of General Basic Education. The research provided practical and effective tools to improve the teaching and learning process of mathematics, with the aim of enhancing the academic success and comprehensive development of students.


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How to Cite

Sierra Bodero, K. E. ., Naranjo Zúñiga, T. I. D. R. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. (2024). Methodological strategy for the development of mathematical calculation skills in sixth year students of general basic education. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 156-183. 6.411




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