Artificial intelligence and law: ethical and regulatory implications in digital justice




artificial intelligence, law, ethical and normative foundations


The literature review addresses the relation between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and law, identifying the ethical and regulatory challenges arising from its integration. The reviewed articles highlight the risk of algorithmic bias, the lack of transparency in decision-making, and the need for an international regulatory framework. The importance of continuous legal education in emerging technologies is emphasized to prepare lawyers for these new challenges. Additionally, the urgency of developing ethical safeguards to ensure that AI does not perpetuate injustices but rather strengthens equity and justice in the legal field is stressed. Interdisciplinary collaboration and the creation of accountability mechanisms are essential for AI to be integrated fairly and responsibly into the legal system.


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How to Cite

Galarza Quinto, A. K. ., Ferruzola Gomez, E. C. ., Jativa Aguirre, S. E. ., Hernandez Cordova, H. E. ., & Zambrano Muñoz, N. A. . (2024). Artificial intelligence and law: ethical and regulatory implications in digital justice. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 491-510. 6.427




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