Management development: an innovative experience in the development of managerial skills




management development, management competencies, managerial, executive


The improvement of cadres in the province, a reality lived and shared by its protagonists, the directors of educational institutions and enterprises of local subordination, constitutes the strategic ways to achieve the supreme objective, the elevation of the quality of the management process and as a consequence the general integral culture of our people. Its conception, development, and evaluation demanded to appeal to innovative ideas, with a marked scientific rigor and a strategic look, implied the contribution of many professionals committed to this professional stratum, sometimes exonerated and/or involved in traditional practices and routines, which have nothing to do with the most prominent advances of management, its theoretical and methodological fields, and its daily practice. The objective of the paper is to socialize and exchange experiences and knowledge about the implementation of programs, modalities, results, barriers, and initiatives in their implementation, to provide feedback, to improve our work, and to be able to live up to the expectations of the leaders of the State and the government, the provincial government of the people's power and the university in the province. The results of the diagnosis of the cadres were considered and scientific methods, techniques, and instruments were used in the elaboration of the experience, consisting of a program for the diploma in public and business administration. The results of this complex and radiant process support the authors' criteria.


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How to Cite

Quintero Mantecón, Y. ., Ramírez Pena, N. ., & Bárzaga Frómeta, E. . (2024). Management development: an innovative experience in the development of managerial skills. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 511-523. 6.428


