Reading, information literacy and the creation of information packages for professional purposes




Performance, professional performance, information literacy


The study was aimed at exploring possible connections between professional trainees’ linguistic development, information processing skills and the construction of clusters of information for professional needs. The research methods include analysis and systematization of documents and references, including the comparative analysis of three Ph. D. dissertations centered on reading comprehension, information literacy competencies and the comprehension of a set of texts. The finding explains the connection between discourse competence, information management and the construction of information clusters.


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Universidad innovadora por un desarrollo humano sostenible: mirando al 2030. Opening address at Universidad 2016



2020-10-25 — Updated on 2022-01-23

How to Cite

Montejo Lorenzo, M. N. (2022). Reading, information literacy and the creation of information packages for professional purposes. Sinergia Académica, 1(1), 32-39.


