Design of an IoT prototype for particulate material monitoring in reduced spaces using ESP32 with a cloud-hosted server




decision-making, IoT prototype, environmental pollution, microcontrollers, monitoring.


Particulate matter in the air is one of the elements with the greatest negative impact on human health in Ecuador. This situation constitutes a latent problem, with little attention to its control, due to the high costs of acquiring equipment or the existence of private companies that perform such measurements. The objective of the research is to design an Internet of Things prototype for monitoring particulate matter in confined spaces, using ESP32 with server hosted in the cloud. The research has an experimental design, with a descriptive scope and a mixed approach. The prototype designed for data acquisition uses census modules and MQTT communication protocol configuration integrating the ThingSpeak platform. The research determined the use of affordable electronic materials, free software for its programming and the use of tools for remote data processing and visualization. The prototype design included four census modules, a Nova SDS011 sensor and an ESP32 microcontroller in each module. The integrated development environment Arduino and Visual Code, both open source, were used for the census programming and a mesh network. The information obtained is sent through the Wi-Fi network to a Raspberry Pi 4 card, configured as a local server. The information is published through the MQTT protocol on a server hosted in the cloud on the ThingSpeak platform, which allows the visualization and processing of the results remotely.


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2021-07-15 — Updated on 2022-03-10

How to Cite

Gómez-Meza, J. S., Matute-Arias, S. V., & Negrete Peña, T. J. (2022). Design of an IoT prototype for particulate material monitoring in reduced spaces using ESP32 with a cloud-hosted server. Sinergia Académica, 4(3), 1-18.




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