Metacognition and autonomous learning


  • Laura Grace Tovar Vera Master in Educational Management, Master in Design and Curriculum, Teacher at Unidad Educativa Dario C "Guevara" Av. La Independencia Rosa Borja Icaza de Olmedo, Babahoyo-Ecuador.



metacognition, autonomous learning, learning to think, critical thinking


The teaching-educational processes have traditionally been located on the edge of the cognitive-instrumental, that is, they have fixed their educational interest in the leading role of the teacher, in the all-encompassing authority of the curriculum, in the tyranny of evaluation via repetition of what was memorized, and in a rude functionalism, given that the superior interest of educational institutions has been to provide qualified labor for the development of the various areas. If metacognition has something to its credit, it is that it allows students to develop the ability to self-regulate their learning, to learn autonomously and to use their knowledge in life itself. In this study the purpose is to explain how metacognition affects learning. The methodology to be used is synthetic analytics from a qualitative approach. The main findings we have as a reference to various authors who deal with the subject of metacognition, including Flavell.


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Calero, M. (2009). Constructivismo. Lima: Alfaomega.

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Mejía, N. (2019). La Metacognición y el Aprendizaje Autónomo, en los estudiantes del tercer. Quito: UCE.

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Puigbó, J. (2020). ¿Qué es la metacognición? Ejemplos y estrategias. Psicologiaonline.

Varios Autores. (2018). Metacognición y aprendizaje autónomo en la Educación Superior. Educación Médica.


2022-04-27 — Updated on 2022-04-27

How to Cite

Tovar Vera, L. G. (2022). Metacognition and autonomous learning. Sinergia Académica, 5(2), 19-28.


