Montubian’s customs and the strengthening of cultural tourism


  • Rosa Victoria Guijarro Intriago Master in Educational Management Universidad De Milagro. Teachers of the Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador
  • Electra Maricela Izurieta Puente Master in Curricular Design and Educational Evaluation. Teachers of the Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador
  • Jessica Eliana Filian Rodríguez Master's Degree in Tourism with a specialization in Sustainable Management of Tourist Destinations. Teachers of the Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador



cultural tourism, cultural identity, Montubian’ customs and cultural wealth


This research seeks to demonstrate how important the Montubian Customs are for the strengthening of Cultural Tourism in the Canton Balzar province of Guayas, in order to harden in the population, the sense of valorization of the cultural richness through ancestral values and beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation by their ancestors. Today the public is committed to this symbolic value to demonstrate its true Montubious identity and never to make it die, that future generations are responsible for carrying the post so that they never end the Montubious customs and through promote the performance, recognition and protection of cultural heritage. This case study aims to analyze Cultural Tourism to contribute to the Montubian’ customs allowing the influx and increase of tourists motivated by knowing the traditions of the canton, such as horseback riding, horse carts, horse races, races of donkeys, Montubious rodeos, livestock fairs, ancestral games. It should be emphasized that with this case study the main beneficiary is the general population, since at the same time they would have the opportunity to acquire knowledge about the conservation of their Montubian Identity, in the same way this will generate a motivation for competent authorities to invest more in tourism than they do today.


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2022-04-27 — Updated on 2022-04-27

How to Cite

Guijarro Intriago, R. V., Izurieta Puente, E. M., & Filian Rodríguez, J. E. (2022). Montubian’s customs and the strengthening of cultural tourism. Sinergia Académica, 5(2), 29-38.




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