Practical applications of calculus in Sociology for solving real problems


  • Santiago Xavier Valarezo Cofre Engineer in Pure Mathematics from Universidad Central del Ecuador and in Business Management from Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador. Master in Computational Mathematics from the University of La Rioja, Spain and Master in Higher Education from the University of Israel, Ecuador. Institute of Exact Sciences FERMAT. Quito, Ecuador.



calculus, mathematics, motivation, practical application, real problems, sociology.


Various authors have shown that the study of mathematics develops logical thinking, concentration and attention, useful in the efficient resolution of real-life problems. Additionally, it enables the improvement of cognitive skills. However, despite its usefulness, its study generally leads to the establishment of barriers that cause demotivation and dissatisfaction for various reasons, among which are the design of an inadequate program of the subject that is not oriented to its real application in the society, the methods used in teaching and as a result of the process of abstraction to which the student has to submit. At the Yachay Experimental Technology Research University, in Ecuador, these issues currently constitute elements that in Calculus affect student motivation and obtaining satisfactory results. The defined objective is to analyze the practical applications of the Calculus subject in Sociology for the resolution of real problems, which motivate the student in the conscious study of this subject, as well as in the learning of the contents associated with integrals and derivatives. The design is non-experimental, with a descriptive scope and a qualitative approach, governed by the application of scientific techniques and methods that made it possible to establish a frame of reference. For the analysis, processing and obtaining of results, the PRISMA methodology was applied, with which 409 primary sources were obtained. The results obtained made it possible to demonstrate the importance of Calculus and its practical application from Sociology to solve real problems. Due to this, the modification of the curricular framework for Calculus II was proposed, where the minimum contents to be taught are expanded, through the incorporation of the topic "Applications of calculus in real life".


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2022-04-27 — Updated on 2022-04-27

How to Cite

Valarezo Cofre, S. X. (2022). Practical applications of calculus in Sociology for solving real problems. Sinergia Académica, 5(2), 39-59.




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