Usage of historical sources in archeology. Its use in the location of the Aboriginal settlement “El Caney” in Santa Clara. Cuba


  • Erich Rodríguez Vallejo Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Education of the Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" from lLas Villas.
  • Imirsy Valdivia Martínez Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Director of the Center for Education Studies of the Central University "Marta Abreu" from Las Villas.



Historical references, archeology, aboriginal, Cuba


The use of historical sources is an important ally of archaeological science. Literary works of the past, historical texts, among other sources, provide data of unquestionable value to unravel the characteristics of the human communities that preceded us in time. This article aims to offer the results that the researchers arrive at, after analyzing different historical sources based on the geographic location of the aboriginal settlement called "El Caney" in the context of the city of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province. Cuba. The subsequent use of archaeological methods allows the confirmation of the aboriginal presence in the studied area. 


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2022-10-27 — Updated on 2022-10-27

How to Cite

Rodríguez Vallejo , E. ., & Valdivia Martínez , I. . (2022). Usage of historical sources in archeology. Its use in the location of the Aboriginal settlement “El Caney” in Santa Clara. Cuba. Sinergia Académica, 5(4), 34-43.


