The strengthening of positive attitudes towards the care of plants and animals, in preschool children




early childhood, positive attitudes, plants and animals


This research is directed towards the need to promote responsible attitudes towards the care of plants and animals from an early age, based on the conception of the educational program for the 4th cycle, where in addition to the study of scientific literature and the results obtained from the diagnosis, insufficiencies were found in terms of the lack of activities that respond to this purpose. For the treatment of this problem, didactic games are designed, constituting an essential way to combine the instructive and the formative from their personal experiences. For its realization, the organizational forms of the educational process and within the family are taken. Specialized bibliography was consulted as well as observation of activities of the educational process and interviews with Early Childhood teachers, resulting in   substantial enrichment in the adoption of protective behaviors towards the environment that surrounds them.


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How to Cite

Rojas Caballero, G., García Martínez, J. ., & Jay Deslis, H. . (2023). The strengthening of positive attitudes towards the care of plants and animals, in preschool children. Sinergia Académica, 6(1), 18-28.


