Use of biofertilizer alternatives in the production of papaya (Carica papaya L.) seedlings under conditions of the farm La Constancia




alternative, bioproductos, azotobacter, microorganism, fosforina


The work was carried out in the property the producing Juan Carlos Perseverance Rivera Daissón belonging to the CCS Fran Country García located in the kilometer 15 of the highway Guantánamo-Yateras municipality Manuel Tames, with the objective of evaluating the answer of papaya plántulas (Carica papaya L.) before application of alternative biofertilizadoras. For they were used it the bioproductos azotobacter, efficient microorganism, fosforina and production witness. Being evaluated height of the plants, grosor of the shaft, number of leaves, in five moments, also the fresh mass and the dry mass (air and radical) to the moment of the trasplante. El experiment it was mounted on a floor brown sialítico, a totally randomized design was used. Where the best vegetable answer was the varying number 4 (fosforina) this alone one obtained 40 days in comparison with the rest of postures that delayed 55 days to the transplant, being obtained revenues of $25020, considering the I implement of the fosforina a promissory alternative for the production of papaya postures under similar conditions.


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How to Cite

Viquillón Fajardo, E. ., & Osoria de la Cuesta, A. . (2023). Use of biofertilizer alternatives in the production of papaya (Carica papaya L.) seedlings under conditions of the farm La Constancia. Sinergia Académica, 6(1), 29-41.




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