Guiding management of audiovisual productions in the Solvisión Telecentro




methodology, guidance management, audiovisual production


At present, the management of audiovisual productions acquires relevance in Cuban television platforms; however, there are still deficiencies for its execution in telecentres, based on the use of different formats, genres, and multimedia platforms, which satisfy the needs of the population. The objective is: to offer a methodology for the guiding management of audiovisual productions in the Solvisión Telecentres. Scientific research methods such as historical-logical, analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive were used, which allowed synthesizing the most relevant sources of the subject under investigation. An audiovisual production management proposal is offered, which includes technical, human, financial capital and all materials based on the organization, coordination and control of the different processes within audiovisual production. It is shown that the proposal contributes to the quality of audiovisual productions in the Solvisión Telecentres, by optimizing the generation of multimedia content that reflects the reality of the Guantanamo territory, generating information, culture, education and entertainment.


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How to Cite

Lescaille Durand, L. ., Moreira Carbonell, C. ., & Garcia Bonnane, Y. . (2023). Guiding management of audiovisual productions in the Solvisión Telecentro. Sinergia Académica, 6(1), 88-97.


