Information and communication technologies in the teaching-learning process of Social Sciences




information and communication technologies, self-efficacy, educational intervention.


This article deals with the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching-learning process of Social Sciences. From this educational context, their use is part of the didactic means as a component. The research is based on the practical need that reveals the existing insufficiencies in its use by teachers. To improve this difficulty, a didactic intervention is proposed that integrates information and communication technologies with the theory of self-efficacy. The sample was composed of 20 Social Science teachers from the Dr. Rashid Torbay public school. The instruments used were a survey to evaluate the use of ICT in the referred process of Social Sciences and the General Self-Efficacy Scale that evaluates the levels of this aspect. The results obtained were as expected, insofar as the association between the variables ICT use and self-efficacy was confirmed. 


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2024-05-27 — Updated on 2024-05-27

How to Cite

Lindao Valencia, M. O. ., & Andrade Vera, A. . (2024). Information and communication technologies in the teaching-learning process of Social Sciences. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 372-386. 3.275




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