The labor training of schoolers with disabilities: a current pedagogical conception




Labor training, school children with disabilities, special educational needs, social inclusion, polyvalent training


The main objective of this work is to propose a pedagogical conception, based on the background, experiences and knowledge provided by the practice of educational attention with this type of schoolchildren. So, it is of great theoretical-methodological value, as it favors the foundations that argue the importance and value of a component of the training process. Therefore, it transcends the curricular content of a discipline and is contextualized in line with the current Cuban economic model. In this sense, the proposal of a conception for the organization and management of the labor training process of schoolchildren with disabilities is the result of research processes developed for many years in the Granma province territory. These have been developed not only in the context of the special school, but also of the educational attention provided to this type of school in other educational settings and modalities of those conceived in the Education System in Cuba.


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2019-07-25 — Updated on 2022-01-23

How to Cite

Ramírez Domínguez, E. T. (2022). The labor training of schoolers with disabilities: a current pedagogical conception. Sinergia Académica, 2(3), 32-40.


