Use of alternative products in the production of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under conditions of La Tagua




bioproducts, azotobacter, phosphorine, efficient microorganism, alternatives


This article shows the result of the research carried out on the El Jardín farm belonging to the Provincial Flora and Fauna Company, located at km 15 of the Palmar - La Tagua highway, in the Manuel Tames municipality of the province. from Guantánamo, where the bioproducts azotobacter, phosphorin, an efficient microorganism are used as alternatives for the production of bean crops, with the objective of evaluating the response of bean plants to the application of alternative products under conditions of La Tagua. A randomized block design was used, with four treatments and four replications. The variables of plant height, stem thickness, number of leaves, number of legumes per plant and number of seeds per legume were evaluated. On the different days of evaluations, the best plant responses were recorded in treatment four, where an efficient microorganism was used, achieving an increase in general, highlighting that the other variants evaluated were superior to the production control. Therefore, the application of bioproducts would be an alternative to increase the yields of bean crops.


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How to Cite

Lobaina Herrera, R. ., Viquillón Fajardo, E. ., & Osoria de la Cuesta, A. . (2024). Use of alternative products in the production of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under conditions of La Tagua. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 4), 311-321. 4.308


