Virtual and augmented reality in education




virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence


Virtual and augmented reality are revolutionizing global education, offering immersive experiences that transcend physical and geographic limitations. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact AR of and VR on the teaching-learning process in different educational contexts. The methodology used is a qualitative theoretical review, with a systematic review of the literature in academic databases and specialized journals. The results show that AR and VR, based on constructivist theories and supported by research in cognitive psychology, improve motivation, commitment, and knowledge retention, allowing the personalization of learning and encouraging active interaction. They also highlight the differences between the two, with virtual reality providing immersive educational environments and augmented reality overlaying digital information in the real environment. However, ethical challenges and addiction risks are identified that must be proactively addressed. The conclusions highlight the need for adequate teacher training to integrate these technologies effectively, designing learning experiences that maximize their benefits. Continued technological evolution, including artificial intelligence, promises to further improve the personalization and effectiveness of these educational tools.


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How to Cite

Paredes Agreda, D. M. ., Mero Chávez, J. L. ., Vera Arias, M. J. ., & Barahona Intriago, R. J. . (2024). Virtual and augmented reality in education. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 122-134.


