Descriptive diagnosis of the components and areas of application of the public policy for the implementation of agroecological agriculture in the province of Manabí, period 2022




agroecology, sustainability, public policy, adaptation, agriculture.


This article demonstrates through the descriptive diagnosis of public policy, criteria on its implementation in the environment, as an instrument that contributes to the application of unconditional aspects with the environment, the producer, with his family, social and economic environment; establishing insights for its execution and development in practice on the meaning of application in the province of Manabí, during the period 2022. The proposed methodology develops a conceptual base on the variables that are involved in the framework of the theory to support its procedural application based on the NATO method as a descriptive part of its components using the application of the strategic triangle of the 3P'S to define response based on the results and determine the ability of each component to develop its execution.


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How to Cite

Vallejo Rizo, E. S. ., & Gusniay Padilla, W. E. . (2024). Descriptive diagnosis of the components and areas of application of the public policy for the implementation of agroecological agriculture in the province of Manabí, period 2022. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 135-149.


