The use of pop music for the development of communicative skills in the English language




strategy, communication skills, understanding, motivation


The research explored the effectiveness of integrating pop songs in the teaching of English to students in the Manabí region, Ecuador. Using this pedagogical strategy is important because it seeks to increase students' motivation and improve their language skills in a culturally relevant context. The main objective was to analyze how pop music can contribute to the development of communicative skills, such as listening comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation and sociolinguistic competence. A mixed methodology was used in the research, applying qualitative and quantitative methods, including participatory observation, interviews and content analysis. A case study was conducted with students and teachers, collecting data on their use and perceptions of pop music in the classroom. The main result showed that 85% of teachers regularly use pop music in their classes and that 90% of students prefer this method over traditional ones. It is concluded that pop music is an effective and motivating tool for learning English. Its use not only improves students' communicative skills, but also creates a more dynamic and attractive learning environment.


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How to Cite

Barcia Moreira, M. R. ., Tello Macias, J. E. ., Toapanta Santos, P. G. ., & Rodríguez Govea, G. E. . (2024). The use of pop music for the development of communicative skills in the English language . Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 441-458.


