The vocation of customer service as a positioning strategy in the consumer's mind




vocation, customer service, strategy, Ecuador


In a highly competitive business environment, the vocation for customer service is presented as an essential strategy for positioning companies in the consumer's mind. The objective of the article is to provide an overview of the current situation of the customer service vocation in Ecuador to be used as an effective positioning strategy in the Ecuadorian market. An exhaustive search was carried out in prominent academic databases supported by keywords. 10 articles were selected that met the relevance and quality criteria. The main results indicate that the vocation for customer service provides a sustainable competitive advantage. In Ecuador, although there are challenges in implementing uniform practices and complying with regulations, improving customer service is a key opportunity for companies. Recommendations include continuous training of staff, the use of advanced technologies for customer management and the creation of a customer-focused organizational culture, among others.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Iguasnia, E. J. . (2024). The vocation of customer service as a positioning strategy in the consumer’s mind. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 603-614.


