Cooperative learning for the development of interpersonal skills in fourth-year students of the Delia Ibarra de Velasco educational unit




cooperative learning, skills development interpersonal, students


Cooperative learning fosters effective communication, teamwork, empathy, conflict resolution, and a sense of community, preparing students to successfully face the challenges of personal and professional life. The present research aims to develop a methodological strategy for cooperative learning in developing interpersonal skills in fourth-year GBS students. The study was created in the Delia Ibarra de Velasco educational unit. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to evaluate the impact of the methodological strategy for cooperative learning on the development of interpersonal skills. A sample of 29 students from this educational institution was used. This study shows the significant impact of the methodological strategy on the development of interpersonal skills. As a result, an expert evaluation was obtained based on the criteria defined to verify the coherence of the proposal presented as satisfactory. It was evidenced with its application that it increased the development of interpersonal skills from the results obtained before and after the application in fourth-year students of the educational unit Delia Ibarra de Velasco.


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How to Cite

Sulca Arevalo, P. E. ., Bustamante Yela, G. A. ., Vergel Parejo, E. E. ., & Chiriboga Posligua, M. F. . (2024). Cooperative learning for the development of interpersonal skills in fourth-year students of the Delia Ibarra de Velasco educational unit. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 414-444. 5.381




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