Strategy based on the Japanese Abacus to enhance the learning of addition and subtraction at the elementary sublevel




learning, mathematics, Japanese Abacus


Improving the understanding of basic operations in the mathematics teaching-learning process by students in their early ages, encourages the search for learning strategies. This article is based on identifying difficulties in the effective learning of the basic operations of addition and subtraction by students of the elementary sublevel, so the objective is proposed to socialize a strategy based on the use of the Japanese Abacus to enhance learning in additions and subtractions by elementary sublevel students, in the mathematics teaching process at the Dr. Carlos Reyes Andrade multigrade school, for the 2023-2024 school year. To do this, theoretical methods such as historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, modeling and structural-functional systemic were applied. As empirical methods, the analysis of documents, observation, the pedagogical test and the survey, which allowed us to characterize and contextualize the population of 19 students and two teachers of the aforementioned educational institution in Ecuador. The information processed determined that the contents related to addition and subtraction at the elementary sublevel have not been adequately treated. As the main result of the article, a Strategy is presented in whose design actions are proposed based on the use of the Japanese Abacus as an ideal tool to learn mathematics, specifically addition and subtraction by students of the elementary sublevel.


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How to Cite

Torres Maldonado, K. M. ., Ochoa Armas, L. I. ., Criollo Portilla, G. M. ., & Martínez Isaac, R. . (2024). Strategy based on the Japanese Abacus to enhance the learning of addition and subtraction at the elementary sublevel. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 508-530. 5.385




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