Rhythm therapy to improve gait and balance in the older adult





older adults, active aging, balance and gait


Aging is a natural process that undergoes changes as age advances, to adapt to different life situations, where aspects such as physical and mental functions, independence, and quality of life of the older adult are affected. This progressive deterioration may depend on lifestyle, environmental and social factors; For this reason, they are considered the most vulnerable population since the deterioration not only has health implications but also social and economic ones; causing a greater risk for elderly people to suffer from degenerative and chronic diseases. The research has a quantitative approach and is quasi-experimental since it will be evaluated at the beginning and end of the intervention using scales. In addition, it was applied to the older adult population; 20 people aged 65 and older who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria participated. Participants underwent 12 45-minute sessions once a week of exercise combined with music. The post-intervention results indicate that in balance and movement, 85% of the population decreased the risk of falling, where 50% are between 65-75 years old.


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How to Cite

Bonilla Ayala, J. G. ., & Toapanta Caiza, S. A. . (2024). Rhythm therapy to improve gait and balance in the older adult. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 761-770. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 5.400


