Methodological evaluation strategy to enhance meaningful learning in fifth-year EGB students




methodological strategy, assessment, enhance meaningful learning, fifth year students, EGB, interdisciplinary project


The present research describes the implementation of a methodological evaluation strategy designed to enhance meaningful learning in fifth-year students of Basic General Education (BGE). The research focuses on the development and implementation of this strategy, with the aim of promoting deeper and more meaningful learning in students, beyond mere memorization of information. It examines how this methodological evaluation strategy can facilitate the connection of curricular content with students’ prior experiences, individual interests, and learning needs, thereby creating a more stimulating and motivating educational environment. Additionally, the effects of this strategy on critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to transfer knowledge to new situations are analyzed. The research is conducted through a mixed-methods approach, utilizing methods such as participant observation, teacher interviews, and analysis of curricular and evaluation documents. A pre-experimental design is employed to demonstrate the correlation between the development of the methodological evaluation strategy and its impact on meaningful learning in fifth-year BGE students through an interdisciplinary project. The results show increased motivation and engagement among students, as well as a deeper and more lasting understanding of the concepts learned. This study has significant implications for teaching practice and the design of formative evaluation strategies that promote more meaningful and relevant learning for fifth-year BGE students.


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How to Cite

Añapa Pianchiche , M. C., Pagalo Cutiupala, . M. I., & Martínez Isaac, R. . (2024). Methodological evaluation strategy to enhance meaningful learning in fifth-year EGB students . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 12-39. 6.404




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