The harmonious development of language skills in English language teaching in higher education




Language skills, Teaching, English subject


One of the most common problems of the university, in recent decades, is its great linguistic, cultural and academic diversity. In this educational space, English has become the lingua franca of instruction, so the main objective of this article is to know how linguistic skills influence the university pedagogical context. This is a descriptive field research, since the data were collected directly from the subjects studied and in the educational environment. It was developed in different stages: identification and delimitation of the project, elaboration and construction of the instrument, observation and recording of data, as well as analysis and interpretation of results. The findings reveal the importance of these skills in the teaching-learning process and which are the most effective methods, strategies, techniques and activities for their development.


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How to Cite

Venegas Álvarez, G. S. ., & Romero Palacios, A. de J. . (2024). The harmonious development of language skills in English language teaching in higher education. Sinergia Académica, 7(1), 92-103.




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