Didactic strategy for the teaching-learning process of multiplicative combinations in the fourth year of EGB





multiplicative combinations, teaching-learning, didactic strategy, games, mathematics.


The teaching-learning process of multiplicative combinations becomes a challenge. The objective of the study was to design teaching strategies for the teaching-learning process of multiplicative combinations of fourth-year students of Basic General Education. The methodology was based on the mixed approach, on descriptive, explanatory, or causal research, using bibliographic, statistical, and analytical – synthetic methods. The population was made up of 106 students, who participated in the application of the survey, in the two pretest and posttest study phases. The teaching strategy Play and learn multiplicative combinations was implemented through the implementation of six activities. A high percentage classified themselves as having a divergent learning style due to their preferences for or with creative and innovative activities. The students answered that teachers prefer the use of videos and online games. The results determined a significant association between the posttest and the benefits of the strategies in the teaching-learning process of multiplicative combinations when integrating creative, motivating, and innovative strategies. It is concluded that the proposal helped the development of school motivation and interest of students in learning mathematics by encouraging participation, technological resources, and recreational activities.


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How to Cite

Palacios Vivar, C. de R. ., Albarracín Torres, M. E. ., Vázquez Álvarez, A. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Didactic strategy for the teaching-learning process of multiplicative combinations in the fourth year of EGB . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 48-75. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 3.261




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