Didactic actions to foster school motivation in students of basic general education





didactic actions, motivation, school motivation


Motivation is becoming more and more relevant in the educational context because of the relationship it has with the appropriation of knowledge by students. That is why the objective of this research is to propose didactic actions to promote the motivation of sixth grade students of the Luis Arturo Cevallos Intriago Educational Unit, Ecuador. The study is descriptive-explanatory, developed from a mixed approach, which facilitated the multi-methodological analysis and triangulation of the information obtained through the different methods and techniques applied, to students, teachers and participating experts and was developed following a three-step logic, initial analysis, design of the actions and assessment of their effectiveness. All of this allowed us to know the status of different aspects related to student motivation, facilitating the design of contextualized and more pertinent actions. In the same way, it allowed an improvement in the motivation states of the students, verified through the exchange with teachers, students and the criteria of experts. Therefore, the importance of motivation in the educational context is corroborated; the value of the use of the mixed approach in research; the structuring of the research, through steps facilitating logic and coherence in the development of the actions. As well as, the effectiveness of the actions in improving the state of motivation of the students evidenced in the actions of the students and expressed by the experts.


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How to Cite

Farías Vega, J. L. ., Bermúdez Macías, D. I. ., & Rodríguez Revelo, E. . (2024). Didactic actions to foster school motivation in students of basic general education. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 159-180. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 3.265




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