Artificial intelligence at the pre-school and high school level




artificial intelligence, learning, students


This study analyzes the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in kindergarten and high school education at the Alfonso Ricardo Troya Educational Unit with a sample of 125 children and 27 teachers and one director. The objective is to identify its benefits and challenges, as well as to determine the importance of providing adequate training to teachers to maximize their potential. To this end, an exhaustive literature review of academic articles and reports from international organizations was carried out. It was concluded that, although AI can improve student learning and performance, it can present challenges for teachers in terms of adapting to new technologies and teaching methods. Therefore, educational institutions must provide adequate resources and training to maximize its benefits. In any case, AI can be especially useful in personalizing learning and adapting to the individual needs of each student, which is especially beneficial in online learning environments. However, it is important to address ethical and privacy issues related to its use in higher education. In addition, student data collected through AI must be used responsibly and protected appropriately. To conclude, AI has been a valuable tool in education from the earliest ages, but responsible implementation and proper training are required to harness its potential effectively.


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2024-06-27 — Updated on 2024-06-27

How to Cite

Mera Ramos, N. C. ., Cashabamba Chipantiza, V. L. . . ., Santamaria Rodríguez, M. A. ., & Ibarra Villafuerte, L. F. . (2024). Artificial intelligence at the pre-school and high school level. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 4), 277-287. 4.306




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