Neurodidactic strategy for the emotional development of fourth-grade students of the "Mariscal Sucre" School




emotional development, neurodidactic strategy, students, basic education, educational intervention.


Emotional development in the educational context is crucial for students' psychological well-being and their ability to learn and succeed academically. This study focused on the emotional challenges of fourth-grade students at the ‘Mariscal Sucre School in Cantón Isidro Ayora, highlighting a significant gap between the emotional skills expected by teachers and the students' actual skills, characterized by a lack of ethical values and anxiety. The objective was to design a neuro didactic strategy to strengthen these emotional skills and address the difficulties observed. A pre-experimental design was used, with measurements before and after the intervention. The sample included 35 students previously identified as having emotional problems. Socio-familial data were collected through surveys and structured interviews. Emotional dimensions assessed included participation in group activities, expression of gratitude, empathy, and conflict resolution. The neuro didactic strategy was designed to improve these areas through collaborative activities and emotional regulation exercises in the classroom. After implementation, the emotional dimensions were re-evaluated and a statistical analysis was conducted to assess the strategy's validity. The results showed significant improvements in participation, communication, teamwork, empathy, and conflict resolution. In conclusion, this holistic approach prioritizes emotional well-being to improve the teaching-learning process and effectively address emotional and cognitive challenges in the classroom.


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2024-07-25 — Updated on 2024-07-26

How to Cite

Villafuerte Martillo, B. S. ., Jiménez Miranda, K. E. ., Bernal Cerza, R. E. ., & Vergel Parejo, E. E. . (2024). Neurodidactic strategy for the emotional development of fourth-grade students of the "Mariscal Sucre" School. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 29-61.




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