Educational strategies to strengthen learning in students with autism spectrum disorder in the first grade of basic education




Autism Spectrum Disorder, inclusive education, educational strategies, first grade of basic education


An effective educational approach for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is of vital importance to promote their inclusion and development. This study aimed to develop specific educational strategies to strengthen the learning and social skills of a student with ASD in first grade. The research was conducted at Fiscommissional, education unit Río del Cenepa during the period 2023-2024, focusing on a student with ASD as a case study. The sample included first grade teachers, who were interviewed to obtain valuable information on strategy implementation. The methodology addressed a comprehensive literature review, development of adapted educational strategies, validation with pre- and post-tests, as well as evaluation by expert judgment. The results indicated substantial improvements in academic performance, highlighting significant advances in reading, comprehension and application of mathematical concepts. In addition, a positive development in social skills was observed, evidencing the effectiveness of strategies focused on the promotion of social skills and personalized curricular adaptation. This study highlights the relevance of inclusive and personalized approaches in the education of students with ASD, providing educators and professionals with valuable guidelines to strengthen the educational process effectively.


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How to Cite

Calderón Arias, J. R. ., Mera Morales, K. F. ., & Hodelín Amable, N. . (2024). Educational strategies to strengthen learning in students with autism spectrum disorder in the first grade of basic education. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 341-379.


