Gamification as a strategy for the development of addition and subtraction calculation skills in second year general basic education students




gamification, didactic strategy, calculation skills


Gamification as a strategy for the development of calculus skills contributes to the formation and internalization of the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, which are characterized by a high level of abstraction and generalization. The objective of the research was to develop a gamified didactic strategy for the development of addition and subtraction calculation skills in second-year students of General Basic Education in the Educational Unit “Enrique Malo Andrade”, Ecuador. A research process based on the empirical-analytical paradigm was developed using a pre-test/post-test design with a single group. The scientific research developed was structured in the phases of initial diagnosis, design of the gamified didactic strategy, and validation of the designed didactic strategy. In the diagnostic phase, through the application of the standardized pedagogical test to students and the interview questionnaire to teachers, a low level of development of calculation skills, the application of successions of algorithmic indications to calculate, and the implementation of control procedures were identified. The assessment by experts and the implementation of the gamified didactic strategy made it possible to offer a significant contribution to guide the direction of the teaching-learning process of addition and subtraction exercises of natural numbers, through the integration of the playful activity motivating the active and conscious participation of the students of the second year of General Basic Education in the Educational Unit “Enrique Malo Andrade”.


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How to Cite

Cobos Fernández, M. C. ., Idrovo Torres, H. M., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Gamification as a strategy for the development of addition and subtraction calculation skills in second year general basic education students. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 380-403.




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