Arts education as a strategy for the development of communication skills in ninth grade students




art education, communication skills, educational strategy, students, integral development.


The present study focused on the integration of art education for the development of communicative skills in ninth grade students of general basic education. The study is framed in a quantitative approach, with a pre-experimental design of quasi-experimental type, aimed at evaluating the impact of an art education strategy in the development of communication skills in ninth year students of General Basic Education (EGB). The sample consisted of 35 students and 4 teachers from the Escuela de Educación Básica Perla del Pacífico, randomly selected to ensure representativeness. Exploratory surveys were administered to students and teachers, together with indicators designed to measure communication skills. The study also included an evaluation by educational experts. Pre- and post-tests were used to compare the results before and after the intervention, using indicators such as clarity in oral expression, coherence in written expression, among others. Statistical correlation tests were performed to analyze the relationships between variables. The results indicated a positive impact of the strategy on the development of communicative skills, highlighting significant improvements in clarity and coherence of expression, adaptation to the public and resolution of communicative conflicts. Expert evaluation provided valuable feedback to improve the effectiveness of the strategy. This study highlights the importance of arts education in the integral development of students and its ability to improve communication skills. 


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How to Cite

Bajaña Mosquera, J. F. ., Jadán Dominguez, E. E. ., Vergel Parejo, E. E. ., & Chiriboga Posligua, M. F. . (2024). Arts education as a strategy for the development of communication skills in ninth grade students . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 130-161. 5.372




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