Use of the virtual tool Alphabetics, to improve academic performance in basic education children with dyslexia




virtual tool, Alphabetics, academic performance, dyslexia


The objective of this article was to explore the use of the virtual tool “Alphabetics” in improving the academic performance of basic education children with dyslexia. The need for the use of technology in children with dyslexia was raised so that the level of help of the program in question can be demonstrated. Access to children identified with dyslexia from the Ministry of Health of Ecuador in the province of Guayas was used, numbering 30, who were enrolled in an online language course. After applying the descriptive study, it was found that there is a significant difference in the means of both groups, with the group that used Alphabetics showing a greater improvement in their academic performance scores. The average grade rose from 8,400 when the tool was not used to 9,367 with its use, and the grade ranges were exceeded from between 7.98 - 8.82 to 9.18 - 9.55.


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How to Cite

González Sánchez, S. P. ., Anzules Ballesteros, J. E., & Sánchez Andrade, V. . (2024). Use of the virtual tool Alphabetics, to improve academic performance in basic education children with dyslexia . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 402-419. 6.422


